This site shows my work in all its diversity.
Diversity in terms of the materials used, the scale of the pieces
and the form of expression.
To me, every object I produce is a new adventure;

A completely individual story.

It means taking control of an emerging idea and developing it,
right up to the technical realisation of the piece;

An entire creative process.  

I hope you enjoy.
Martien Hendriks
Ruimtelijke Verbeelding | Martien Hendriks | Binderseind 3 | 5421 CG Gemert | The Netherlands | T. +31 (0)492 36 25 06 | M. +31 (0)6 513 104 85
E. info@ruimtelijkeverbeelding.nl | W. www.ruimtelijkeverbeelding.nl